The Bergami Family Summer Internship Program 2025
Guide & Application
Click the button below to download the guide and application.
The Career Development Center is pleased to announce that financial stipends will be awarded on a competitive basis to students completing unpaid internships in summer 2025.
It is critical that interested students carefully read the following requirements and application procedures. Due to the large volume of applicants and highly competitive nature of these awards, students who fail to address all required components of the application will NOT be considered. Students are encouraged to take advantage of Career Development resources available to help them identify internships and prepare stipend applications. DEADLINE: THURSDAY, APRIL 3, 2025 by 5 p.m. Application link at bottom of this guide.
8 individual stipends of $3,750 available
The Bergami Family Summer Internship Program provides funding to offset the cost of living and related expenses for an unpaid summer internship in any field. Students who feel they may benefit from this stipend are encouraged to apply.
The awards are made possible by Sam & Lois Bergami and the Division of Student Affairs
The awards are open to undergraduate University of New Haven First Year, Sophomore, and Junior class students. Applicants must have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours at the University of New Haven and must be returning to the university for Fall 2025. Seniors who are returning for Fall 2025 are eligible to apply.
- Students are encouraged to have secured the unpaid internship by the application deadline, but it is not a requirement for application. Recipients of funding MUST confirm their internship by May 13 to receive funding, or the award will go to the appropriate runner up on the alternate list.
- Stipends may be awarded for either credit or non-credit internships.
- Internships must be during the summer; be at least 8 weeks long at a minimum of 12 hours per week.
- Internships are to be conducted with government, non-profit organizations, or for-profit business. Independent study projects are not eligible.
- Students from all undergraduate academic majors are eligible.
- Stipends will not be awarded to students completing research with faculty on campus.
- Students who are awarded other program stipends, such as SURF, President's Fellowship, etc., are not eligible to accept the Bergami stipend.
- Internships that cover expenses such as parking are still considered unpaid. If receiving an hourly wage or a lump sum payment, the internship is considered paid, and students cannot apply for a stipend.
- Stipends will not be awarded to students seeking support for tuition or fee-based language study, writing institute, summer festival, or volunteer abroad programs.
- Fee-based internship programs will be considered.
- Students must have completed a minimum of 24 credit hours at the University of New Haven and be in good academic and disciplinary standing.
- Previous recipients of the program stipend are ineligible to apply.
Applicants must complete the application form by Thursday, April 3, at 5 p.m. Link to the application is at the bottom of this guide.
To be considered for a stipend, students must submit a complete application, including:
- Application Form (link at the end of this guide) which includes:
- Personal Statement: Part of application (see below for information)
- Written statement on summer budget and financial need
- Job description for internship (if secured at time of application)
- Resume showcasing prior work and/or volunteer experience and relevant coursework
Respond to the prompt below in 1000 or fewer words; committee will not read beyond the word limits.
Why do you believe this internship site is a good place to acquire experience for your career goals?
Discuss how you came to discover your career path, and how this internship fits into your journey of career discovery. What do you hope to achieve by working with the organization; include specific skills you hope to gain. Describe the previous experiences that have led you to pursue this opportunity. These could include coursework, community service, employment, or personal experience. The selection committee wants to understand who you are and how this internship connects to your academic and career exploration.
This statement should specify your perceived expenses for the summer and the following school year. You should address how this funding will be helpful to completing this internship.
Your statement might include information such as:
- Expenses for the summer; include housing, utilities, food, etc
- Daily transportation needs and expenses to and from your internship site
- Need for professional clothing, supplies, or other work materials
- Other considerations as to how you would benefit from this award
My estimated budget for the summer is approximately $2,500.00. I have received a $250 fellowship from my hometown Rotary Club and have about $350 of my own money that I have saved from campus employment. I am responsible for my book expenses and spending money for the academic year, money which I would normally earn over the summer. My education is made possible by scholarships and loans, totaling almost $25,000.
The financial stipend will assist me because...
Note: this statement needs to reflect why this funding is integral to completing your internship.
You will enter the budget statement directly into the application form. Link to application is at the bottom of this guide.
Finalists will take part in an individual interview conducted via Zoom. In the interview, students should be prepared to explain in greater detail their personal statement responses and the relevance of the internship to their future academic/career plans. This is an important opportunity to demonstrate your ability to describe this internship in a persuasive and succinct manner.
If awarded a stipend, students will be required to:
- Submit a weekly reflection on their experience, as directed by the Career Development Center
- Participate in a panel presentation/luncheon in the subsequent fall 2025 semester
- Be available for a profile on their experience to be used in university marketing
- Agree to attend various university functions as representatives of the Bergami program
- Write a thank you letter to the program sponsors
To assist students in preparing application materials, the Career Development Center will be available during walk-in hours (M-F, 2-4 p.m.). Students are strongly encouraged to take advantage of these opportunities as these awards are quite competitive. Students should have completed a rough draft of their application prior to walk-in.
Begin accepting applications
Monday, March 3
Fifteen-minute drop-in application critique sessions at the Career Development Center
Beginning Monday, March 3 and continuing until deadline day, Mon. - Fri., 2-4 p.m.
Applications due to the Career Development Center, at
by Thursday, April 3, at 5 p.m.
Week of April 14
Recipients Announced
Thursday, May 1
Final verification of unpaid internships
by Tuesday, May 13
Application available via the link below.
Apply Now